Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The BE ATTITUDES (part 3): Meekness is not Weakness

Matthew 5:5
"Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth."
Meek (adj.): Showing patience and humility; quiet, gentle, and easily imposed on; submissive
Synonyms: gentle - mild - humble - submissive - tame - soft

When you hear the word "meek," what comes to mind? WHO comes to mind? Someone who might be a little more timid? Someone who isn't quite so strong? Someone who seems like kind of a push-over?
Many times we tend to think that, but they can be the most powerful people if you let them. They tend to see things beyond what everyone else does because they take the time to allow God to speak into them, giving them discernment. They observe and take caution when approaching a difficult situation. They wait for the moment where they can take action. Now, some people might look at a meek person and think they can take advantage of them or walk all over them. The meek person doesn't see it that way. They see it as service to a brother or sister in need. They care more about the needs of others than that of themselves! WHOA! I don't know about you, but I don't know many people willing to give up their selfishness in concern of others!
The question now is, how can WE be meek? It's tough to give up what we want and desire. I know that I have a hard time humbly and gracefully setting aside my desires for that of others. The only way to get better at it is to practice it. And don't hold grudges. Some people can be completely rude about it, but we can't let it get to us. That's not being meek. I don't know how many times in a week I look at someone and think "they're just a jerk, because they will do whatever they want to get what they want." Sound familiar? Does someone like that come to your mind? Pretty quickly, I bet! Why is that? It's because WE don't feel it's fair. But God never promised us fair. God promised us the Beatitudes! All of the qualities of the Beatitudes seem unfair! But with each one, there is a BLESSING! How cool!
So, here's the challenge for you, me.. For us. Have patience and grace when humbly giving up your desires for someone else. It's tough, but I think we'll be amazed at how good we feel and how we're treated after. Let me know how you do! ;)

Until next time...

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