Saturday, December 15, 2012

My Greatest Struggle

So, I haven't written anything in a while... Every time I sit down to write something, nothing comes to me. I'll write something, then decide I don't want to say it, so here it is...
I struggle with writing blog posts because I don't know how much of myself to reveal. I struggle with knowing what information is safe with which people, particularly because there are people in my life I can't trust to keep something private. I struggle with vulnerability because in previous moments of letting my guard down, I've gotten deeply hurt.
I struggle with being me, because I fear that if I'm me, people won't like me. I struggle with sharing me because I'm afraid people will leave me behind more broken than before.
I struggle with allowing myself to really feel what I'm going through and feeling. I struggle with accepting compliments because I don't feel deserving.
I struggle to accept the reality of what I've been through because I don't want to believe it happened. I struggle to think people care about my situation and my story, because "if they did, they'd ask about it."
But, I also struggle with reminding myself that I'm not the only one who goes through this. That I'm not alone. That my Abba Daddy loves me... And that is my greatest struggle.

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